Join as a School


Create a Better Future for Everyone Through Sharing



Sharing is for Everyone


Establish a culture of sharing and doing good for everyone - PTA, parents, student.


Parents 家長

  • Guide children on the concept of sharing, and allowing them to develop new social skills

  • Declutter own home with items that no longer serve value to the family

  • Allowing parents to connect with each other

  • 教育孩子分享,讓他們發展社交技巧

  • 清空家中不再用的物品

  • 建立家長之間的網絡/讓家長們互相認識


Student 學生

  • Share and get items for free among the community

  • Learn about responsible consumption

  • 在社群內免費分享和獲取物品

  • 學習成為負責任的消費者


PTA 家教會

  • Facilitate item sharing all year round

  • Reduce time when collecting different items from people

  • Reduce cost on organizing events

  • (持續)促進物品的分享

  • 減少從各持份者手中收集物品所需的時間

  • 降低舉辦活動的成本



Sharing is Free

  • 回收、減廢,令地球更健康

    Recycle, reduce waste, make the earth a healthier place

  • 分享不同的閒置物品

    Share different idle items:

    • Uniforms 校服

    • Textbooks 教科書

    • Sports equipment

    • Music instruments 樂器 etc.

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Community Built on Trust

  • 自行決定最理想的分享方式

    Customise how you want to share

    • 與不同班別 Within different classes

    •  與家教會 Within the PTA

    • 與一眾家長 Within the parents

    • 所有人 Everyone

  • 隨時知悉物品的庫存和收發趨勢

    Keep track of different trends and inventory of items needed and items shared

  • 私人而獨特的生態系統/社群環境

    Customizable and private ecosystem

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Make Sharing Easy and Fun

  • 分享以接觸更多人

    Share and reach more people

  • 行善.積分

    Do good and get rewarded

  • 在分享物品時以不同方法籌集資金

    Raise funding through different means when sharing items


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