Join as a Social Worker
Gathering all social workers!
Come and get resources to those who need the most
感謝香港社會工作人員協會與 Me2You 合作,我們現正設立「社工用戶」
We want to thank the Hong Kong Social Workers Association for the opportunity to collaborate with us. We are going to launch a special
social worker program for the verified social worker.

Benefits of becoming our social worker user
獨得 Me2You 社工用戶專屬徽章
Getting social worker user’s exclusive badge
除了開戶後得到基本 500 Sparks 之外,通過審核的社工帳戶將額外得到 2000 Sparks 以便換領物品
Verified social worker user will be receiving extra 2000 sparks for getting idle items
Getting free idle items for the needy with the accessibility of “NGOs” category
我們誠邀你加入 Me2You 這平台成為一分子啦!

How to apply to be a social worker account?
登記成為 Me2You 用戶
Create an account on Me2You而舊用戶可以從「個人頁面」> 用戶名稱旁的彈出式選單申請
For old users, the apply button can be found
next to the username from ” personal page “
2. 申請成為社工用戶
Apply as Social Worker
Fill in your SWRB registration number and organization name, provide a copy of your social worker identity documents for approval
3. 等待Me2You審核你們的身份
Wait for Me2You to verify your social worker account
4. 成功成為社工用戶
Get verified as Social Worker user
Put and get the idle items for the needed ones at
anytime, anywhere for free!
Social worker badge
Claiming free items from “NGOs”
社工用戶能夠從「非政府機構」專頁找到所有以 0 Sparks 換領的捐贈物資並給予受眾
Social worker can also see items from "NGO” tab and get items other people want to donate to NGOs at 0 Sparks
倘若你的社工帳戶 Sparks 用完,歡迎電郵至 help@me2you.com 索取更多 Sparks
If your Sparks run out, you can email help@me2you.com to get more