Make someone’s home FAN-tastic




We are collecting fans! Do you have any to give away?

香港嘅夏天又熱又焗,原來好多基層人士喺屋企都要忍受緊三十幾度高溫,只要有一部普通嘅風扇已經好滿足……現在我們已經有39 間非政府組織使用 Me2You。如果你準備換風扇,不如分享舊嗰部比其他人

#1:喺 Me2You app 㩒 「+」再按「贈送物品 」

#2:填寫資料並「送出 」


Hong Kong’s summer is hot and stuffy, while a lot of us may have air conditioning at home, there are a lot of people who just wants a working fan to survive the summer heat. If you have extra fans at home, or thinking to upgrade and retire your existing one, we currently have 39 NGOs using Me2You, why not give it forward?

Easy steps to gift:
#1: On Me2you press “+” > “Create item”
#2: Fill in item information> “Let it go!”

That’s all you have to do to share!