Me2You X 明愛電腦工場推出
「REBORN! 手機 & 電腦回收計劃」! 

Me2You X The Caritas Computer Workshop
“REBORN! Mobile Phone & Computer Recycling Programme”


透過 Me2You 回收電子產品,無論新、舊、好、壞,一律照收! 你肯捐,Me2You 就會獎勵 100 Sparks !  

明愛電腦工場與逾 400 間公司及學校合作,回收電子產品,並用符合美國國防部 5220.22-M 標準的程式把硬碟資料刪除,保障個人私隱資料。


  1. 手機

  2. 電腦主機及顯示屏

  3. CPU 

  4. 主機板 

  5. 記憶體 (硬碟/光碟機)

  6. OS作業系統 

  7. *週邊產品 (電源供應器、讀卡器、鍵盤、 滑鼠或電線等小型配件)


  1. 下載 Me2You

  2. 從下面導航欄,按中間“+”號 > 再按手機&電腦回收計劃

  3. 填寫要捐贈的物品資料 > 再按 ”送出去吧!“

  4. 完成了! ✅


用家不必擔心個人私隱被洩露,因為明愛電腦工場一直與逾 400間公司及學校合作,回收電子產品,並用符合美國國防部5220.22-M 標準的程式把硬碟資料刪除。用家亦可自行將裝置恢復原廠設定,可參考 忘記密碼時,如何恢復 iPhone 原廠設定 如何刪除並將Mac重置為原廠設定  或 在 Android 設備上備份或恢復原廠設定



** 有需要人士包括領取綜援、書簿津貼、車船津貼、低收入、老人、傷殘等人士,而   所有人士必須透過社工、學校老師或社會保障部職員轉介才可領取電腦


Through Me2You platform, you can donate electronic products regardless of their conditions. Me2You will reward you with 100 Sparks!

The Caritas Computer Workshop has been working with more than 400 companies and schools to refurbish electronic products, and format the hard disk with programs written in compliance with the US Department of Defense 5220.22-M standard to provide magnetic broken service which protects privacy information.

Items that can be donated:

  • Mobile phone

  • Computer and monitor

  • CPU

  • Motherboard

  • Memory (HDD/CD-ROM drive)

  • OS operating system

  • *Other peripheral products (Small accessories such as power supplier, card readers, keyboards, mice or wires)

How to easily donate:

  1. Download Me2You app

  2. From the bottom navigation, press the “+” button > Press “Mobile phone & Computer Recycling Program”

  3. Fill in some basic details of the item you want to donate > Press “Let it go!”

  4. And it’s DONE! ✅


Users do not have to worry about the leakage of personal data because the Caritas Computer Workshop has been working with more than 400 companies and schools to refurbish electronic products, and format the hard disk with programs written in compliance with the US Department of Defense 5220.22-M standard to provide magnetic broken service which protects privacy information. Users can also reset your Android device to factory settings. Please refer to How to restore your iPhone if you forgot your passcode ,  How To Erase and Reset a Mac back to factory default or Back up or restore data on your Android device.

At last, give those in need**  or recyclers on a cost recovery basis.

*Peripheral products must be donated together with computer parts or mobile phones

** People in need include those who receive CSSA, The School Textbook Assistance (TA), The Student Travel Subsidy (STS), low income, elderly or disabled, and all people must be referred through social workers, school teachers or staff of the Social Security Department to receive computers

It can not only reduce electronic waste, but also help people in need. Why not do it!