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FAQs NGOs Business

Q : What are the benefits to signup as Business ?

A : You can signup for a Business account and have access to the community that cares about doing good. We have people and organizations that believe the sustainable lifestyle. Once you have a verified organization account with us, you can unlock different features to run campaigns and high-demand items!



Q : How to apply for organization account?

A : You can help your business or NGO apply for an organization account. First, you have to download the Me2You app, create your own account first. After you signed up your account you can go to your Profile page> click the “v” arrow right beside your display name> Click “Apply organization account”.

Once we verified your business, we will create the verified account on your behalf and you can link other existing users to help manage the account.


Q : What is a work circle?

A : Work circle is an employee only community on Me2You. You can engage your employees in a work circle, to share items, post and images. It is completely private and secure. You can also choose to run exclusive campaigns for your employees!


Q : What are circles ?

A : Circles are communities where you can put up and look for idle items. We have diverse circles, ranging from public ones to work or private circles. You can create or join private circles that are exclusively for family and friends, but there’s also the choice to join or create a public circle where you can share items with people having the same interest! With different communities targeting different causes, we aim to create a trusted environment where you can find items you love and trade without stress.


Q : How can I create or join a work circle ?

A :

To create a work circle…

Go to Circle> Explore Circle . On the bottom of the page, tab the orange “click here” text to create a work circle. Once you fill in all the content from the form, we will go through your application and let you know when it is completed.

To join an existing work circle…

In order to join a work circle, go to Circle > Explore Circle. On the bottom of the page, search for your company profile. In order to join, you have to join with your work email and you’re all set !


Q : How does exchanging work ?

A :

If you’re a gifter…

Once someone wants your item, you will get an item request. If you decide to trade with him, just accept the request and your item will be reserved for the receiver. Other people can still see your item, but is no longer able to send you requests. The only step left now is to deliver the item to your receiver. Once you do so, double tap the your transaction record to confirm delivery of the item. On the receiver’s confirmation that he received the item, you will receive sparks!

If you’re a receiver…

If something catches your eye, you just have to select “I want it!” to indicate your interest. The item would be reserved for you if the gifter wants to trade with you as well. Now, all you have to do is to come up with methods of delivery then wait for your item to arrive. Upon receiving of your item, remember to double tap your transaction page in order to transfer sparks to your gifter!


Q : What features can organizations get?

A : You can unlock different features to help your organization distribute items at east to anyone. You can set up events using draw, first come, first serve features under your organization. There is also an integrated QR code feature for easy facilitation and to track fulfilment process. The items you share can be for anyone on Me2You, NGOs, or exclusively for your work circle.


Q : What does the “Reserve” tag mean ?

A : The blue reserve tag means you’re one step late - another user has submitted an item request and the gifter has decided to trade with him. You are no longer able to request for this item. However, there is still a chance that the deal may be off, so the item may once again be available. Stay tuned and keep your eyes open for items you like !


Q : What does the star function do ?

A : The star function allows you to keep tabs on items you have your eyes on. For example, a you really like may be reserved, but you can still star it so you can check on it regularly to see whether it is gifted or becomes available again. You can keep track of all the items you starred - just go to Profile and you will see a star button on the top right corner. By pressing into that button, you will be able to see your favourite items.


Q : Are there any restrictions to the items that can be put on the platform ?

A : You can put almost everything on Me2You - only food ( including drinks and alcohol ), medicine and illegal items are prohibited.


Q : How do I sign up ? Is the app free ?

A : Me2You is completely free. You can create a Me2You account either by registering a your email address, or signing in via one of the following: Google, Facebook or Apple. After this step, you have an account and are ready to gift !


Q : Something does not work. How do I report this problem ?

A : To report a problem, go to Profile > Report Bugs. You will be directed to an email page where you can tell us the problem you encountered and help us improve. When describing the problem, it would be helpful if you can include screenshots or videos. Providings us with details such as your phone system (Android/ iOS), the time you encountered this problem or the app version would also help us immensely in improving Me2You.


Q : Am I allowed to bargain a deal ?

A : There is no bargaining mechanism in Me2You, but you can always discuss with a potential gifter on what an ideal price would be. There’s always the possibility that he will be able to accomodate to your needs and adjust the required amount of sparks for an item.


Q : How do the partnerships work in Me2You ?

A : We partner with corporations to create private work circles exclusively for their employees. For partnership enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at hello@me2you.com


Still have questions?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us !